Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Blog 3: "Witches" and Weirdness

     I wonder if all nurses eventually suffer from some form of paranoia or anxiety? Maybe I am alone in that category but there have been times that I replay events over and over in my head trying to figure out what I should have done or said,… or, I think about how I could have organized my time better so I could have done tasks faster, or I berate myself for mistakes made… I am guessing that this is pretty normal for a nurse. Honestly, it’s probably good that we do spend time worrying about our job because it makes us better and safer nurses in the long run. I think emergency nursing comes with its own set of worries and anxieties… We deal with so many mentally unstable, addicted, angry people that most of the time we literally hardly believe anything a patient says and we expect the worst from them. I’ve only been at this for a year in December and already I feel myself joining the ranks of the "cynical, unsmiling ones." I have learned that looking people in the eye and being friendly isn’t always a good thing. I have learned to recognize fresh track marks and to ask where that one vein is that they don’t use to shoot up drugs,… I thought when I got into nursing that it would be a great mission field, and it truly is! However, I am learning that I have to be very careful even when I am talking about my faith and inviting people to church. I had a patient recently that made this a little more serious to me...
      A middle-aged male with a history of drug use came in needing IV antibiotics. I was his nurse so I started the IV, set up the IV pump and got the ABT’s flowing all the while making polite conversation. He had informed me that he was a recovering addict in one of the local recovery centers and that he really respected the Mennonite culture and how we did things. He wanted to know more, so I just went through my normal spiel and tried to ignore the creepy vibe he projected. Both the PA and the scribe thought he seemed psychopathic, so I wasn’t the only one that thought there was something weird about him. At any rate, we finished the antibiotics and discharged him. I got security to hang out outside the door because I was afraid that he would be angry that we weren’t sending him home with anything for pain. He wanted directions to church so I gave him some vague directions and he left. (I never know if giving directions to church is a good thing or not but so far only one person that I’ve invited actually came to church.) He showed up again a couple days later with “wrist pain.” I wasn’t about to be his nurse a 2nd time so I got another nurse to take care of him, but he kept coming up to the nurse’s station when I was charting and asking me what the “rules” of dating were in the Mennonite church and telling me that he was coming to church next Sunday, would I be there? (What am I going to do if he ever really finds church??? HELP!😱) At any rate, if I disappear without a trace one day, find this guy! LOL! I don’t know what it was about him that was so creepy but even with all the inmates we see in the ER, I think this guy tops the list as the creepiest! I have to say, I have the worst of luck with men! I always seem to attract the biggest losers and never the tall, dark handsome ones! The story of my life!!!😂

     In other events since the last blog:
  • ·         The Pelican was back in the ER… this is the moniker we gave the girl that swallowed the ink pens! This time she had swallowed a Starbucks cup. From what I understand, it wasn’t the cup as a whole but torn into pieces… She didn’t manage to swallow anything in our ER this time! Lesson learned!!!!
  • ·         I got my acceptance letter to for those last three nursing semesters. Classes start January 7 and go 4 days a week, so I’ll be at work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday,… or at least part of Sunday. I am hoping that I can get a schedule worked out that will allow me to still be a full-time employee but also allow me to be at church at least one service on Sundays!
  •      The Secret Service showed up in the ER a couple days before the Trump rally inspecting our facility. I guess we were the designated ER for the VP in event of an incident. I am glad nothing happened but, man, what a story that would have been if something had happened! 
         Other than the above, the last few weeks have been fairly unmemorable, just lots of kidney stones, abcesses, broken bones, and MVA's. It never fails to amaze me how many people we get in the ER that have been hit by cars, so maybe I can raise a little awareness of that right here! People, be careful when you are walking or driving at night in our area! There are so many people that walk by the road anymore, especially in the city areas, and for some reason, they all like dark clothes and half of them are drunk or on drugs! Sometimes we get 2 or 3 pedestrian vs motor vehicle accidents a day! I don't understand why, but all I can say, is be careful! I hope I'm not jinxing myself by saying this!                                                                                                                                                                                    
                                 Focusing on more of the weird and creepy, here is the story of...

                                                                     The Hmong Shaman
          Apparently, in parts of Laos, a little country in Asia bordered by China, Myanmar, and a few other small Asian countries, there is a small obscure sect of people called the Hmong. I'd never heard of it before this incident, and, to be honest, I still don't know much about it. I am just going to relate to you how the Hmong dialect came to be spoken in a modest ER in a small city on the Gulf of Mexico. 
         One morning in the ER, EMS brought in a young Asian woman that had been found in a random neighborhood, standing in someone's front yard with her hands raised to the sky. She had obviously parked her car against the curb and walked into the middle of the yard before she assumed this position. Now, it's probably not unheard of for someone in the South to stop their car, get out, and praise the Lord, but I guess this lady stayed in this position for a long time and would not respond to anyone or anything. Eventually, someone in the neighborhood called the cops. The cops didn't know what to do with the lady, so they called EMS. The paramedics that brought her in didn't know what to make her either, because she was physically fine by their assessment, just wouldn't talk to them or respond in any way coherently. About every minute or so, she would yell out something at the top of her lungs but no one could understand what it was. We have several Asian staff members that speak varying Asian languages, but her words didn't sound familiar to any of them. We got her into  a room, assessed her, drew labs, ect, all the while speculating on what was happening. We all thought it was drugs until all her tox screens came back perfectly clean. Then we thought maybe she had seen something horrible or had been abused and was having a breakdown, however, there was literally hardly even a bruise on her! Basically, she was physically in perfect health. By this time, we were a couple hours in, and even the doc's didn't know what to do... Myself and Paramedic T went into the room with the Language Line (the Language Line is a little robot that has a screen and a camera and online access to thousands of interpreters around the world) We spent the better part of an hour video calling all the Asian interpreters on the Language Line and letting them hear our Jane Doe's yells. I wish I had kept count of how many interpreters we tried,... It had to be somewhere near the 20 or 30 mark! (I found out later that the cost to use the language line was astronomical! Nurse J said we probably spent somewhere around $60,000!!! I never heard any negative feedback from management, so hopefully it wasn't that bad!)  We finally gave up trying to translate what she was saying, and she was eventually transferred to the psych hospital. I figured that was the last we would see of her and that we would never know what happened. 
            A couple days later, Nurse J pulled me aside and told me that he had followed up with a friend at the psych hospital. He had quite a tale for me! At some point, law enforcement had traced down the person that our mystery lady's car was registered to. It turned out to be a recent ex-boyfriend who knew the lady's family. He put the PD in touch with her family and this is what they were told... 
            Apparently, the mystery lady had come from Laos with her family and settled in our area years ago, but she was the only one of her family that remained in our area. The rest of the family had moved to the Pacific Northwest. Her father or mother had been a Hmong shaman. Our mystery lady was following in their footsteps and transitioning into a shaman as well. Apparently, a Hmong shaman has the power to leave their body and travel in the spirit world. According to the family of our mystery lady, she had to be taken back to the spot where she had left her body in order for her spirit to enter her body again. The words she had been yelling were her name... 
           I was skeptical at first, but the more I read about the Hmong, the more it made sense... I don't know why she chose some random yard to leave her body, but once her spirit was gone, her body never moved. When she was brought to the ER and kept yelling out her name, was she somehow trying to call her spirit back to her body??? I would still probably be skeptical, except for the fact that she was physically healthy as a horse... absolutely nothing abnormal about her. Having spent time in Africa, I've heard tales of people leaving their bodies and seen some pretty creepy voodoo stuff, but I guess I never thought I would run into stuff like that in the Bible Belt of America! I'll post a link about the Hmong below... Read it and tell me below what you think about this sort of thing! Do you or do you not believe in the spirit world?

     *Disclaimer: Any names, ages, or genders may have been changed for this blog. If anyone feels that any part of this post violates HIPAA, please comment below... I'm trying to be as vague as possible about ID but want to give as many details as possible!


  1. A Starbucks cup doesn't sound appetising! Less pokey than a pen I guess!
    Ugh on creepy guys🙄
    And wow of wows on the Hmong Shaman!!!

  2. My kinda stories! Wow. Your life is not dull.
    Im 30 something, but that might be as far as our commonalities go, (aside from blood and gore anyway). Am I allowed to read here?

  3. Why not just swallow delicious coffee instead of the cup too?! I guess she got her money’s worth!! 😆 and wowzers on the spirit traveling.... I need to read the link, but I do believe crazy things can happen when people believe in crazy things!!! And hopefully the creepy guy will not water you again!!!

  4. So did they take her back to that yard and let her spirit rejoin her body? :) would love to hear the rest of the story! :)

    1. Her family did come from the west coast but idk what happened after that! Probably never will know!

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